Thursday, March 21, 2013

Progress - Modes

Implemented Rotation and Zoom (having a bit of FOV problems)

Still working on Ray Casting to select specific points - unity colliders for particles is not too robust unfortunately... (The gray dot is a point that is selected)

 I tweaked the sliders so that the x axis dates show up on the graph controls and limits the data you are looking at - (still need to implement for Y and Z axis)


So the above just shows one stock over a year (price, volume) but I thought it would be interesting to look at a bunch of stocks (over the past 7 days) from NYSEAMEX and compare their different metrics to see if we can observe any trends. The metrics are:

- Company name/Stock Quote
-P/E ratio
- 52w price change (%)
- Float %
- Beta
- Average volume
- Net profit margin (%)
 - Sector: Basic Materials, Energy, Technology, Conglomerates etc...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Feature List

There are a couple of things in terms of the UI I am going to start working on.

Feature list
- Axes 
- Controls for pan and rotation
- rotation X, Y, Z
- scale X, Y, Z
- translation X, Y, Z
- mouse picking of coordinates
- Select
- Hover
- Navigation View
- Modifiying axes 
- Altering colors for the 4th dimension (grouping of data)
- Managing large data
- Real time data from S&P
- Just large data in general
- Limiting the amount of data you can see

Monday, February 25, 2013

UI Features

Adding UI features


I implemented the slider controls which allows you to edit how much of the data you would like to see depending on the axis...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Development with Views (I)

Initially I was normalizing the price and volume between 0 and 1. I found that presentation not very impressive and so I chnaged these axes to calculate the log10 of the volume and keep the original prices.

However the volume values were not too easy to differentiate - especially because they were pretty much in a similar range. Therefore I thought perhaps it makes sense to normalize this metric between 0 and 1 (or perhaps give an option).

I needed to make views for the axes (X vs Y and X vs Z) like the Unity editor has. I created 2 more cameras and adjusted them to try make a 2D image. I am not too happy with the XZ representation so amstill researching a better way to make views in unity.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Moving to Unity

OpenGL and Visual Studio can prove to be pretty cumbersome to work with so I finally made the switch to Unity with C#. I managed to generate some visualizations of the dell stock, more specifically date (x) ,price (y) , volume (z). 
The idea is to experiment with plotting the points and visualizing the data. I found unity tutorials that helped me learn C# and the way unity works.

1. Plot points

I first simply plotted each 3d point. I had to normalize each dimension between 0 and 1 since the values for volume could be as high as 1 million and as low as 0 while price changes are less drastic. 
However the points are a bit confusing to look at unless you look at the 2D perspectives in the lower frames. 

2. Plotting lines for volume

I had to so some sort of surface area and thought it would make sense to have a sort of bar chart for the volume dimension. The problem with this is the change in price is given less attention since the points are not connected. I also implemneted an object rotation with left/right arrow keys

3. Creating continuity

So I added the code the make the graphs look continuous. The problem I faced here was drawing the volume for points that were between 2 price points. I took the natural gradient but I am not too sure how much I like this. This is a true surface area but I think I need to think of better ways to show the 3 dimensions.

Monday, November 5, 2012

OpenGL trial

To understand how the data would look I created an OpenGL QT project. I parsed a Dell Stock file with Volume, Price, and Date. The image below shows how it looks.